Tuesday, November 11, 2014

On our way to Birmingham  Lunch.. Rest.. then 1st concert at SELLY OAK BOURNBROOK SOCIAL CLUB ðŸ˜Ž Thank u Papa God for the blessing 

Credits to Perez Ramil for my photo, thank u 

Missing u all my babe s Philippines, i gigil love u ðŸ˜¬ #GodisGood#MochaGirls #playboybunny #London

 Pepper Gutierrez (Mocha Girl Pepper)- fb acct
Photo: On our way to Birmingham ☺️󾌵 Lunch.. Rest.. then 1st concert at SELLY OAK BOURNBROOK SOCIAL CLUB 󾮗😎 Thank u Papa God for the blessing 󾌾

Credits to Perez Ramil for my photo, thank u ☺️

Missing u all my babe s Philippines, i gigil love u ó¾ £ó¾ £ó¾ £ó¾°¬ #GodisGood #MochaGirls #playboybunny #London

ó¾ £ Pepper Gutierrez (Mocha Girl Pepper)- fb acct